28 January 2024
Venhancer UMDE Introduction Program
As Venhancer, we are launching an internship program that offers our university students the opportunity to develop their skills and gain experience. On Thursday, February 1st, between 10:30-12:00, we…
24 January 2024
Make-up Exam Program
The Make-up Exam Program is attached.
19 January 2024
Marmara Career Fair Announcement
Marmara Career Fair (MARMARAKAF), which will be held under the coordination of the Presidential Human Resources Office and hosted by Kocaeli University in partnership with 15 universities, will be hel…
19 January 2024
TEKNOFEST Competitions
Applications for TEKNOFEST competitions, Turkey's first and only aviation, space and technology festival, are now open. TEKNOFEST Aviation, Space and Technology Festival, the first of which was he…
16 January 2024
OTOKAR - Meeting with Final Year and 3rd Year Students
OTOKAR, one of the Koç Group companies, will hold a meeting with the senior students of the Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences at Sakarya Teknokent conference hall on Thursday, Januar…
15 January 2024
TEKNOFEST Aviation, Space and Technology Festival Announcement
TEKNOFEST 2024 Technology Competitions application steps introduction booklet has been published. Detailed information is attached.