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Academic Honesty


Academic honesty includes students and academics being honest in their academic activities, respecting the rights and laws of others, referencing the owners of opinions and thoughts that do not belong to them, not deceiving anyone, being respectful to those around, not gaining unfair advantage, and not gaining benefits through the wrong method.

Academic honesty entails not doing to others what you would not like done to yourself. Academic honesty also includes having a sense of responsibility and duty. At the same time, striving for personal development is also a part of academic honesty. A person should work to train himself in the highest competence, especially in his own profession, in proportion to his own abilities and the possibilities of his environment. He can decide whether the activities and behaviors are right or not by evaluating them with conscience.

Academic honesty is the most important and fundamental value in education and research activities. Demonstrating academic honesty also provides improvement and development. Academic honesty also contributes to fair competition among individuals. In this respect, our university sensitively expects students and academicians to demonstrate academic honesty in their educational activities and research.

It is possible to list some of the behaviors and situations that violate academic virtue in terms of students (not limited to these):

1. Plagiarism: Using sentence, figure, graph, table, data and etc. produced by someone else, in order without citing the source, in accordance with the rules of academic writing, in a way that can clearly be understood as belonging to someone else and using materials without the permission of the owners that may be copyrighted when necessary and using them in homework, project, etc. without specifying that the relevant material is used with permission. There are many types of plagiarism and all should be avoided (https://besteditproof.com/tr/academy/akademik-calismalarda-intihal-nedir-ve-intihal-turlerinelerdir ).

Below are some situations that fall under the scope of plagiarism:

  1. Citing too much of a work
  2. Using other people's sentences and opinions as your own without citing the source
  3. not using other people's sentences in quotation marks

2. Cheating from someone else in the exams or from materials that should not be used during the exam,

3. To show his/her name among the authors as if (s)he contributed to the homework and projects even though (s)he did not contribute.

4. Damage to school equipment and surroundings,

5. Being hurtful in relations with people and displaying behaviors that are not suitable for roles, 

6. By signing on behalf of his friend who did not come to class
to make it seem like

7. Putting someone else in the exams instead of himself/herself,

8. To have someone else do his/her own project and homework.

Various sanctions are applied by making no concessions to students and academicians who violate academic honesty. Some of these are: giving a warning, a temporary suspension from school, or dismissal from school. It is recommended that read the education regulation for more information.

Best Wishes and Success