30 August 2023
Summer School Final Make-up Exam Program
Summer School Final Make-up Exam Program is attached. View →

8 August 2023
Summer School Midterm Make-up Exam Announcement
Summer school midterm make-up exam application results are attached. View →

8 August 2023
Summer School Final Exam Program
Summer School Final Exam Program is attached. View →

7 August 2023
TUSAŞ Cooperation Models
Detailed presentation file on TUSAŞ Cooperation Models is attached. View →

7 August 2023
Insider Job Posting
Insider is a global technology company that continues to grow rapidly and offers career opportunities to young talents. They are looking for colleagues, the advertisements are in the links below. Appl… View →

27 July 2023
Summer School Midterm Exam Program
Summer School Midterm Exam Program is attached. View →