Mercedes-Benz Türk-PEP + Compulsory Workplace Training Internship Program
18 Feb
Mercedes-Benz Türk-PEP + Compulsory…

Applications for the Mercedes Benz Türk PEP (Professional Experie…

2024-2025 Spring Semester Excused Registration Announcement
15 Feb
2024-2025 Spring Semester Excused R…

2024-2025 Academic Year Spring Semester Excused Registration Announcem…

2024-2025 Spring Semester Course Registration Application from a Different Department
15 Feb
2024-2025 Spring Semester Course Re…

Students who will apply to take courses from different departments in …

İŞKUR Youth Program
14 Feb
İŞKUR Youth Program

With the “İŞKUR Youth Platform”, İŞKUR started to offer al…

Computer Engineering departments train engineers who analyze today's computer systems and design future computer systems. For this reason, in computer engineering departments, training is given based on hardware knowledge. Software engineering department; educates engineers who can analyze complex software problems, design systems that will be solutions and manage them by designing them. The software can be divided into two large groups: application software and system software. Examples of application software are corporate management syst… All >>
1) "A New Distance Education Model and Application Platform in Higher Education" (TÜBİTAK 1001): In this project, it is aimed to develop a distance education platform to be used by higher education institutions across the country. Within the scope of the project, a model will be created first and then a prototype system will be implemented on 16 universities. The features of the system to be developed are briefly as follows: Each institution will be able to create the curricula of the departments in their units in the system pro… All >>