Applications for the Mercedes Benz Türk PEP (Professional Experience Program) Long Term Internship Program have started. If you want to take your place among the stars, apply now, don't miss …
With the “İŞKUR Youth Platform”, İŞKUR started to offer all the services that young people will need in their career journeys through a single platform. Applications for the İŞKUR Youth Pr…
Students who want to participate in the UMDE program at ADASTEC Automation in Teknopark Istanbul and who have not yet placed in another company can send their CVs to e-mai…
Students who want to do UMDE in INDATA Industrial Data Technologies company located in Teknopark-Istanbul are required to apply from the link below.…
Have you checked out the events on Yetenek Kapısı? By following a few simple steps, you can be informed about and participate in events that interest you. Experience and transformation stories, educat…