Dear students, Now that your final exam stress is over, it's time to get back to yourself. Organized by the Career and Talent Management Coordinatorship, the event titled "Self-Awareness - Wh…
"BTÜ Short Film and Reel Competition" with the main theme of "ADDICTION" was planned by our university. Under the main title of addiction, the participation specification…
As an implementation of the protocol signed between the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) and the Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB), the SSB KALFA Program has been launched…
2022-2023 Academic Year Summer School Click Here for Sakarya University Students. 2022-2023 Academic Year Summer School will be published later for Guest Students. 2022-2023 Academic Year summer schoo…
Stargate Talent Program has a content designed to enable graduating students to discover their interests by experiencing many fields and to start their business life with a strong step. Application De…