Duyurular 16 Ocak 2024
OTOKAR - Meeting with Final Year and 3rd Year Stud…
OTOKAR, one of the Koç Group companies, will hold a meeting with the senior students of the Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences at Sakarya Teknokent conference hall on Thursday, Januar… Görüntüle →

Duyurular 15 Ocak 2024
TEKNOFEST Aviation, Space and Technology Festival …
TEKNOFEST 2024 Technology Competitions application steps introduction booklet has been published. Detailed information is attached. Görüntüle →

Duyurular 29 Aralık 2023
Final Exam Program
2023-2024 Fall Semester Final Exam Program is attached. Görüntüle →

Duyurular 25 Aralık 2023
Career Day with Global Bilgi
Information about the Career Day event with Global Bilgi is attached. Information about the meeting is below. Click here to join the meeting. Meeting ID 375 505 146 665 Access code: mhEDNM Download Te… Görüntüle →

İlanlar 22 Aralık 2023
.Net Software Developer Job Posting
Detailed information about the company and the job can be found in the attached document. Interested Graduates or 4th year students can send their CVs to asbayraktar@sakarya.edu.tr. Görüntüle →

İlanlar 22 Aralık 2023
MKU Technology Internship Announcement
As MKU Technology, we are looking for a Computer Engineering or Software Engineering student to join a dynamic and innovative team in our company located in Sakarya University Technopolis. The selecte… Görüntüle →