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2022-2023 Academıc Year Sprıng Semester Course Add-Delete Announcement


Add-Delete Operations will be made on Thursday and Friday, March 2-3, 2023

Students who want to make add-delete operations will fill in the "ADD AND DELETE APPLICATION FORMon Thursday and Friday, March 2-3, 2023 and send it to the RELEVANT STUDENT AFFAIRS unit manager via SABİS e-mail (Emails sent from servers such as icloud, gmail, etc. will not be considered.)

The student can drop the course(s) he/she has chosen with the add-delete form or can choose a new course instead of the course(s) he has dropped. For students who want to add-delete, an application form, the sample of which is attached, has been prepared.

General add-delete rules are given below.

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1. Excused writing cannot be done during the add-delete period.

2. Group changes cannot be made on add-delete dates.

3. In case of conflicts between the add-delete dates, the teaching type can be changed.

4. Students cannot make a group selection in the add-delete operation.

5. A course deleted during the Add-Delete period cannot be added again.

6. In the lower semesters, the student cannot delete the first course or add a different course with DZ grade.

7. In case of falling below the course opening limit determined by the Senate, a student cannot be deleted from the relevant elective course.

8. The student can only enroll in different course(s) that he/she will choose according to the ECTS amount of the course(s) he/she has left, provided that the rules are in accordance with the enrollment rules.

Click for Add-Delete Form.

Click for unit responsible e-mail addresses.