Duyurular 12 Şubat 2024
2023-2024 Spring Semester Excused Enrollment Annou…
Information about excused enrollment is attached. Görüntüle →

Duyurular 8 Şubat 2024
Announcement for Taking Courses from Different Dep…
In the course enrollment process, it was previously approved for our students who were graduates to take courses from other departments even if there was a semester difference. (Taking the Fall semest… Görüntüle →

Duyurular 6 Şubat 2024
NATO Internship Program
There is an opportunity for you to do your internship at NATO (Belgium). The new call will be launched in March – April 2024. See attached document. Link: https://seng.sakarya.edu.tr/sites/… Görüntüle →

Duyurular 5 Şubat 2024
Directorate of Science and Society 4007
The 4007 Science Festivals Support Program aims to raise awareness of science and technology in all segments of the society and to ensure that science and technology, which are of critical importance … Görüntüle →

Duyurular 1 Şubat 2024
UMDE Program Registration Announcement
Students who will participate in the UMDE program in the spring semester must register to the system until 05.02.2024 at the address below. https://muys.sabis.sakarya.edu.tr/Account/AdayOgrenciKaydol Görüntüle →

Duyurular 31 Ocak 2024
Students who propose graduation projects to OTOKAR company are required to present their project proposals to the company officials on 01.02.2024 at 12:00. The projects will be evaluated after the pre… Görüntüle →