Ana Sayfa
2023-2024 Academıc Year Sprıng Semester Add-Delete Announcement


Add-Delete Procedures will be made on Thursday and Friday, February 22-23, 2024

Students who want to make the add-delete process will fill out the "ADD-DELETE APPLICATION FORM" in the annex on Thursday and Friday, February 22-23, 2024 and submit it by hand to their advisors in the relevant departments.

With the approval of the advisor, the student can drop the course(s) he/she has chosen or choose a new course instead of the course(s) he/she has dropped. An application form has been prepared for students who want to make add-delete transactions, and students will fill out this form.

General add-delete rules are given below.


1. Excused enrollment cannot be made during the Add-Delete period.

2. Group changes cannot be made on Add-Delete dates.

3. If the courses overlap on the Add-Drop dates, the type of education can be changed.

4. Student cannot select a group in Add-Delete process. 

5. A course deleted during the Add-Delete period cannot be added again.

6. Students cannot delete the course they registered for the first time in the lower semesters or the course with DZ grade and attendance requirement and add a different course. 

7. In case of falling below the course opening limit determined by the Senate, student registration cannot be deleted from the related elective course.

8. The student can enroll in a different course(s) that he/she will choose only for the ECTS amount of the course(s) he/she dropped, provided that he/she complies with the enrollment rules.