Ana Sayfa
Teknofest Competitions

TEKNOFEST Competitions

Applications for TEKNOFEST competitions, Turkey's first and only aviation, space and technology festival, are now open. TEKNOFEST Aviation, Space and Technology Festival, the first of which was held in 2018, aims to increase the interest in technology in society and raise awareness about Turkey's transformation into a society that produces and develops technology by hosting many activities such as technology competitions, air shows, concerts, interviews and events on various topics. Technology competitions in various disciplines and categories are organized within the scope of TEKNOFEST for hundreds of thousands of young people to realize their dreams.
Within the scope of TEKNOFEST Aviation, Space and Technology Festival, the Ministry of Industry and Technology and TÜBİTAK organize competitions in the fields of rocket, robot, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, unmanned aerial vehicles, electric vehicles, autonomous, new generation transportation, micro-electronics technologies for primary, secondary, high school, university students and graduates. Within the scope of the competitions, financial and material support is provided to the teams and awards are given to successful teams.

Detailed information is announced on and applications are open until February 20, 2024. until system. TEKNOFEST, which aims to bring our country to its goals in the field of science and technology within the scope of the "National Technology Move" by increasing the knowledge, skills and determination to work of our young human resources, reveals the strong potential we have with the excitement it creates.